Me and My Boi Read online

Page 17


  Pavini Moray

  Go ahead. Tell me to pick up that glass.”

  Nisrine’s molten eyes fill with tears as her gaze drops to the half-finished plate of mosama bademjan on the table in front of her. We’re eating at her favorite Persian restaurant, where the eggplant stew she is currently enjoying reminds her of her grandmother’s. The way her long dark hair pours down her neck, slipping over her shoulders, I crave to push it back behind her delicate ear.

  “There’s a lot coming up for me. I don’t think I can do this.” Her tears slip out.

  “It’s very simple. Just look me in the eye, and push your will into me…make me want to do it for you.”

  Nisrine and I have been seeing each other regularly for about nine months. She is very like a child. She has toys that go everywhere with her, including a small stuffed tiger. She likes to make up science terms, and talk about astrology. She names all of her belongings. I’m not in love with her, but I adore her. She fucks with soft quick movements, and she’s one of the few femmes I’ve met who can make me, her Daddy, come. Being Daddy means taking good care of her precious desires, and holding her unfolding sexuality with tenderness.

  “Pick up that glass!” she commands, like a feisty little dictator.

  “Hmm, that was good, think you can slip in some sexy badass femme?” I purr.

  “Pick up that glass, you filthy slut!” She’s imitating every pro domme she’s ever seen in a stupid movie that knows nothing about kink. I love watching her struggle.

  “No, a little softer, more insinuating…make it so I can’t resist.”

  “Would you pick up that glass?” Nisrine murmurs, her liquid eyes never leaving mine. Obligingly, I pick it up, and take a sip of water.

  “Now, imagine telling my boi exactly how you’d like him to touch his clit.”

  Her gaze plummets immediately, and I take pity. Reaching across the table, I take her soft palm, turn it over and stroke the inside with my thumb. I look at her, without blinking, and watch as she does that thing I love; her eyes melting as she softens, and I can almost smell her pussy getting wet from where I sit across the table. My girl.

  “You’ll do just fine. I’ll be right there, supporting you.”

  We’d been planning the seduction of my live-in boi Miki for hours, ever since she whispered into my ear that she’d like to try taking charge for once. I’d chuckled audibly when she asked if she could try to top me, but it got me thinking. This luscious, sexy woman who’d been trained growing up in the Middle East to be demur, feminine…there was no way she could authentically dominate me. But what a lovely desire. My mind turned to my good boi Miki. Maybe, just maybe I could help her to dominate him.

  My boi Miki, with the solid broad shoulders of the swimmer that he’d once been, is in collared servitude to me. Miki would be easier for a novice to top, as he lives to submit. He’s a ruthless badass housing rights trial lawyer by day, and collared submission gives him a place to set his great fight down, and surrender. Like Annie Lennox, circa 1988: tall, strong, feminine, masculine, in her uniform of tailored suit and tie.

  Substitute sandy-brown hair and green eyes, that’s Miki.

  I keep him in strict chastity, and he is almost never allowed to let his fingers slip down between his legs, to finger his clit or to touch his pussy lips that are frequently slippery with want and need. He would be thrilled to submit to Nisrine if it was my will. Plus, he would be kind to her.

  I drive Nisrine back to the home I share with Miki, who has not yet come home, and wait upstairs in the bedroom. It takes Nisrine forever in the bathroom to do whatever it is that femmes seem to need so much time to do. I identify as a Daddy. I’m pretty butch, but not adverse to a little glitter now and then. Okay, maybe a lot of glitter. But for tonight, I need nothing other than a quick shower. Plus, I already feel the wetness seeping from my cunt.

  She knocks at the door lightly, and as she enters my eyes devour her—matching panties and bra, lace of course. Both the color of sweet cream, well made, and obviously new. Her alabaster skin contrasts sharply with her dark eyes and hair. Her nipples, now hidden by the bra but once rouged by me with her own lipstick, stand erect through the material. I trace the outline of the right nipple, and watch her shudder. I smirk at my ability to make goose bumps rise over her body with such a light caress. She smells of roses and frangipani. I pull her to me.

  I lay her down on the bed and pet her into relaxation, kissing and teasing at the edge of the fabric of her bra. I gradually work my fingers under the bra, until I grasp and fondle her hidden nipple. She starts in on her sweet sighs, but I have to pull back before she’s fully gone into sexy land. We have work to do.

  We go over the plan again. When my boi arrives home, she will go to greet him, and inform him that he is to come to the bedroom. I will place his collar around his neck, snap his leash into place. And then, to his complete surprise, he will be invited to sit in a chair at the foot of the bed, while Nisrine holds his leash.

  And then, if it pleases her, he will be granted permission to touch himself while she and I have sexy time and he watches. His masturbation will be at her discretion, at her desire. Inside, I am nervously excited about his surprise, of my allowing him to be used in this way. It’s not happened before.

  This is nervousness that I will never show. Her own nervousness is apparent. We talk about it, this desire of hers to dominate, to be in control. Tears come, again, as she talks about her family, her role and the role of women in the Persian culture. She doesn’t agree with everything in the upbringing she’s had, but still, it’s hard to undo three decades of training.

  At last, her words fall away, and she lies there in my bed, gazing up at me with those eyes that contain the world, at least for tonight. Her breath is coming quickly, and it quickens in her chest even more when we hear my boi returning home. We give him a few minutes to arrive, and then she looks at me, asking me with her eyes if the time is now. I nod, and she gets up.

  “Don’t engage him in any conversation. No questions. Quietly command his presence in the bedroom.” She looks scared but so sexy and the combination is so hot I feel the searing flame in my junk turn up a notch. I watch her full ass as she pads softly away from me and down the hall, and think nasty thoughts about that ass until she returns, with Miki in tow, his tie loosened.

  He looks amused, and curious. So far, so good. I tell him to undress. He and I have been texting during the day, so he knows there is some surprise in store. He’s asked me to please make him jealous. In the way we’ve worked out our relationship, he is monogamous to me, while I can be intimate with others.

  Perhaps unfair, this arrangement serves us well in the way it reinforces our power dynamic. And even though we have agreed for it to be like this after long discussion, jealousy still comes up for him, especially about Nisrine.

  He’s met her several times before, though only in social contexts. What he’s noticed is that feeling jealous actually intensifies his sexual arousal. He loves to think about me fucking other people, and gets turned on by it, while simultaneously being powerless to jerk off or get any relief. He has struggled with my relationship with Nisrine, even as he’s fantasized about it. I know he’s contemplated getting to watch me fuck her many times, and his face betrays his turn-on.

  I watch, as Miki slowly peels off the layers of lawyer armor. The expensive silk tie. The starched white shirt, still crisp even after the day. The belt buckle. The suit pants. The black socks, with sock garters. Finally, he’s standing there in his own French black lingerie that I insist he wear under his suit. We have a ritual. He is to undress only to this point, and I do the rest.

  He turns around so that I can unfasten his bra. I take my time and slip my hands under the silk, cupping his small breasts. His nipples harden under my touch. Removing his bra, I place the heavy black leather collar around his neck, lingering with the buckle. As I snap the leash into place, I get the twinge in my pussy that
I always get when I put it on him.

  “This boi is mine,” I murmur.

  He stands straight as I ease his panties over his slim hips and brush my fingers over his neatly trimmed bush. I smell his excited smell. He would never in a million years suggest the situation that he now finds himself in. Left to his own accord, he would be drinking a single malt scotch, studying.

  Nisrine very politely asks him if he’d prefer to sit at the side of the bed, or at the foot, and suggests that he move the wooden straight-back chair to the foot when he indicates his preference.

  “I want you to have a good view,” she says insinuatingly.

  I see him inhale sharply. He’s already picked up on the sex smell in the room, and the candles all around definitely indicate that something pleasurable has been going on.

  I watch as the cool leather around his neck softens him, cracks away the veneer he has to wear as a lawyer in the world. The collar strips him bare of all of that, and leaves his essential, people-pleasing self naked and vulnerable for us to see.

  “We are going to have sex. And you are going to watch. And if I like how you are watching, I will let you touch yourself. Do you understand? Don’t be too creepy.” Nisrine seems in control, and while her tone might be slightly sharper than one I would use with Miki (he’s very well-trained, after all) it’s still pretty good for a first attempt. Leash in hand, she glares at him strictly, and then rolls over into my arms.

  “How am I doing?” she whispers into my ear, too soft for him to hear.

  I smile into her neck, and nuzzle and lick at her earlobe, so that she begins to coo. I can hear Miki’s breath already. He has a tendency to breathe hard and fast, as soon as he is the slightest bit aroused. The transition of Miki from powerful broker of justice into the aroused, panting submissive boi never fails to make the hunger for him rise up strongly in me. I allow Miki’s turned-on breathing to fuel my own turn-on.

  I palm Nisrine’s large breasts, still encased in creamy lace, and trace the edges across the top, fingertips playing with her nipples, until the tissue responds and becomes erect. She’s moaning like crazy, and every once in a while giving a jerk on Miki’s leash. I bury my face between her breasts, and my mind flashes to wondering how it is for Miki, to see me take such pleasure in another woman.

  Nisrine’s pussy smells different from any pussy I’ve ever smelled. Perhaps it’s the spices she uses in her cooking. She prepares her own advieh, a Persian spice mixture made of black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise and nutmeg among other things. Perhaps it is her unique biology. Whatever the reasons, her ripe, pungent smell almost vibrates the air. While Miki and I are both frequently wet, I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I could almost smell her getting turned on from across the table.

  I trail my hands down her lush body, tracing the edges of her dainty panties before running my index finger gently across her mons and dipping down to the moist valley between her lips. I can play with her pussy like this for hours, her moaning, me thrusting my hips gently as I tease her covered labia. But tonight, her panties aren’t just moist, they are sopping wet. My fingers slip and slide over the silky material, and I can feel the pull of her cunt wanting to be fucked.

  I’ve been ignoring Miki, but she hasn’t.

  “Open your eyes, I want you to look!” Nisrine is tracking everything he does. He is cooperating.

  “You can touch yourself now, but don’t you dare come before I do!” she intones severely.

  He looks to me for confirmation, and at my subtle nod, his fingers dive into his vulva, grab at the clitoris he likes to call his cock and start stroking vigorously, panting and moaning all the while. I can only imagine how jealous he is feeling, watching Nisrine receive all of my touch and attention while I pay him none.

  Nisrine is ready to be fucked. We’ve been talking, plotting, playing, kissing and teasing for hours. The moment is here. She takes off her panties, and Miki’s moans kick into high gear as he catches sight of her soaking, engorged pussy.

  “Tell him to shut up,” I suggest, reveling in the reaction Miki is having. I lean toward her and whisper in her ear, “And then stuff your panties in his mouth so he can’t talk.” She delicately rolls the bit of soaking lace and shoves it into his open mouth. His surprise is palpable, and the heat between my own thighs increases. He begins to slurp and suck at the panty gag. He is so into it, I almost start to laugh.

  Turning my attention back to Nisrine’s cunt, I begin to slide my index finger up and down the sides of her bare labia, relishing the exquisite softness of her skin. Her hips make little beckoning movements. Although she wants desperately for me to fuck her, it’s easier for her to tell Miki to shut up than it is to ask me to put my fingers inside of her. I relent, and slide my index and middle fingers into her, meanwhile massaging her clit with my thumb.

  Miki is going nuts attacking his pussy and yanking at his little cock fiercely. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him so turned on. His eyes are glued to her pussy, my fingers and her gushing fluid. Pulling my fingers out quickly, I feed him a bit of her juices, letting him lick my fingers clean. He looks sufficiently grateful to be allowed to participate.

  I love the playful, childlike part of Nisrine. Tonight, she’s brought with her a short, fat rainbow dildo that she wants me to stuff into her pussy. She calls it “Moana.” She is both innocent and worldly at the same time. Both turn me on.

  Teasing her lips with its width for a moment, I allow the brightly colored fat dildo to slowly enter her and be swallowed by the depths of her cunt. I don’t need to look at Miki to know he is practically frothing at the mouth. I smile, fantasizing about his lawyer buddies seeing him now.

  Her hips move to meet the fluid movements of my hand holding her cock, as Miki grabs and rubs his own miniature cock. His chair is rocking and hitting the wall in time with the rhythm of our fuck. Nisrine opens her legs even farther, giving him full view of her drenched pussy, surrounded by a dense forest of dark, damp curls. Suddenly, she stops moving as her back arches and she throws her head back. I feel the clench of her pussy muscles as she comes and I hold my breath, feeling my own pussy throb in tandem. Her orgasm is long and powerful. Time stands still.

  When it’s over, she puts her hand over mine, and removes the cock from her steaming hole.

  “I want him to suck it.”

  Her voice is quietly firm, and I sense the seriousness of her desire. “Make him take it.” The rainbow toy is glistening with her nectar. Nodding, I move it slowly toward his mouth. With my other hand, I remove Nisrine’s panties, absolutely soaking with Miki’s saliva. They are hot and damp in my hand, and I feel sad to throw them on the floor. I place them on the bed instead.

  Miki’s aquamarine eyes never leave the cock slowly approaching his swollen mouth. He tilts his pretty head back, and his mouth opens to accept my girl’s cock, dripping and warm from her cunt. We don’t play much with dildo cocks, and he struggles to take it all the way in. His face contorts, and wet gagging sounds issue from his throat. His eyes are slightly bulging, and yet his face leans into the cock, urgently trying to take in all of the thickness that was recently buried in Nisrine’s pussy.

  “If I can take it, so can you,” Nisrine taunts, and something deep in my loins stirs at hearing my sweet, demur girl talk dirty to my nasty, well-trained submissive boi. I ease the cock down Miki’s throat, and watch as his eyes seek hers. Tears fill his eyes as he sucks and laps her cock, and his own hands fall still in his lap as he honors her dominance. She’s made him cry.

  I see that faraway look in his damp eyes, the one he gets in our best scenes, and I sense his complete calm and surrender. Glancing at Nisrine, I notice her fingers tracing her labia, gently teasing her hole and her clit. She pulls his leash taut.

  “Stroke yourself, and let me see you come.”

  As she says this, a flash of fear passes over Miki’s face. He knows he is to come only for me. I watch as his mind begins to react, pulling him out of the delirious su
bspace I love to see him in. Thinking quickly, I consider what I want. Nisrine is unaware that he is not allowed to come for anyone but me. She wants him to come. I want her to succeed in this first attempt at domination. And when I breathe into my own hot desire, I want to watch my boi come with his own fingers, something he is almost never allowed to do. I feel his eyes on me.

  “It’s okay; I want to watch you come. And when you come, I want you to send your orgasm straight down your leash, and into Nisrine’s hands.” Miki visibly relaxes, as I continue to ease the cock in and out of his soft mouth. I remove it, and sniff to make sure he has cleaned off all of Nisrine’s juices.

  Miki’s hands ease back down between his muscular legs, and he begins to stroke himself slowly, easing three fingers of one hand into his hungry cunt, and slowly fucking himself. I know he’s rubbing his own G-spot, his favorite. His eyes start to close but snap open as he remembers Nisrine’s desire for him to keep them open. He drops them to her pussy and licks his lips.

  I imagine he’s fantasizing about touching her, touching her where my fingers are softly playing. His touch remains slow and constant, and the frantic bucking of earlier has passed. His breathing quickens, but he is quiet as he brings himself to the brink of orgasm. I feel it in my own cunt, his pleasure, and when he starts to come, he gazes into Nisrine’s lovely face.

  He allows her to see him coming, eyes open, because I have wanted it. He is raw, vulnerable and open. His cum flows freely from his cunt, dripping down between the cheeks of his taut ass as his large clitoris quivers in the candlelight. The orgasm energy he sends down the leash into her waiting hands is almost visible, and her hands tremble to receive it. Quiet descends on the room. The smell of sex is thick. Wet cunts, flushed faces, swollen lips of pussies and mouths.